This document details the ifini Privacy Policy. ifini is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. This document is designed to inform you how ifini look after your personal data when you visit the website (regardless of where you visit it from) or use any of ifini services, and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.
Data Protection Act 2018
This legislation replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 and gives more rights to you as an individual and more obligations to organisations holding your personal data. One of the rights is a right to be informed, which means we have to give you even more information than we do now about the way in which we use, share and store your personal information. This privacy notice helps you understand your rights, so you can access this information, along with information about the increased rights you have in relation to the information ifini hold on you and the legal basis on Ifini use the information.
How Ifini will use your information.
This privacy notice tells you what to expect when ifini collects personal information. It applies to information collected about:
• Visitors to the websites;
• Current customers;
• People who have bought from ifini in the past;
• ifini suppliers;
Visitors to our websites
When someone visits, a third-party service is used, Google Analytics, to collect anonymised geographical data and details of visitor behaviour patterns. ifini do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site and their location. This information is only processed in a way that does not identify anyone. ifini do not make, and do not allow Google to make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website unless they chose to do so by using the contact form set up to answer questions. That personal data is only used to reply to and/or offer assistance and will not be kept for any other purposes. If we do want to collect personally identifiable information through our website i.e. for a promotional campaign we will be transparent about this. ifini will make it clear when we collect personal information and will explain what we intend to do with it.
Use of cookies by ifini
A cookie is a small file that asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. A cookie in no way gives ifini access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of this and other website.
Security and performance
ifini use a third-party service to help maintain the security and performance of the website. We do not share any information about our customers with any third party.
Clients who use ifini business services.
ifini offers various services to businesses. Ifini holds the details of the people who have requested a service in order to provide it. However, ifini only use these details to provide the service the person/business has requested and for other closely related purposes, you can request at any time the process of how we use your data and what for.
• Remote Backup and Restore
• Proactive Support of Hardware/software using Monitoring/remote Software.
• Antivirus
• Email services
Access to personal information
ifini is as open as it can be in terms of giving people access to their personal information. If ifini does hold information about you, we will:
• give you a description of it
• tell you why we are holding it
• tell you who it could be disclosed to
• let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.
What are my legal rights?
• You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner at, Tel 0303 123 11132.
• You can obtain a copy of your personal information from ifini without charge. This may include the right to transfer information to other providers.
• You have the right to ask ifini to correct information.
• You have the right to ask ifini to delete your information or stop using it.
Cookie Control
Cookie ControlWe would like to place cookies on your computer to help us make this website more user-friendly.
By using our site you accept the terms of our Privacy Policy.